How to follow the races in Hyères

Hyères – selected by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) to host the Sailing World Cup Hyères – TPM, for the third time in a row from April, 20th to 26th – is ready to celebrate 10 Olympic series and 2 paralympic series.


Official website :
Latest news, interviews with competitors, photos, videos: all the information needed to be able to follow the ISAF Sailing World Cup – Hyères TPM will be available on the event site.

Social networks:
Stay connected and follow the event on our social media :

Facebook :  /ISAF-Sailing-World-Cup-Hyeres

Twitter : @FFVoileEvt    #2015SWC

Youtube : Sailing World Cup

_DSC6145_©Laurens Morel

The results will be posted on the official website as soon as they are approved by the jury

Program : ISAF Sailing World Cup – Hyères TPM from April 20th to 26th

  • Monday, April 20th : Entries – Inspection of the boats (tonnage)
  • Tuesday, April 21st : Entries – Inspection of the boats (tonnage)
  • Tuesday, April 21st : Training Race
  • Tuesday, April 21st : Opening Ceremony at 6:30pm
  • From Wednesday, April 22nd to Saturday, April 25th : Fleet racing
    Start at 11am
  • Sunday, April 26th : Medal Race (final race between the 10 best competitors in each serie, for which the points count double) – start at 10am
  • Sunday, April 26th : Prize Giving Ceremony at 5 :30pm

About ISAF Sailing World Cup
The Sailing World Cup is the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) World Cup circuit that includes five legs around the world – Melbourne, Miami, Hyères, Qingdao – and the final at Abu Dhabi. Each of these legs involves the 10 Olympic series and some of the Paralympic series.

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